When it comes to giving back, Farmers of Salem is proud to support a number of charitable organizations and community partners.
Farmers of Salem supports employee involvement in community activities that improve the quality of life in those communities where our employees live.
Farmers of Salem recognizes that team-based volunteering events provide employees with a valuable opportunity to support their chosen charitable missions and provide team building among co-workers. Volunteer Time Off (VTO) is compensated time that a regular full-time employee is allowed to use during their regular work day for volunteer work at an eligible agency recognized as a non-profit and tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Farmers of Salem employees making Thanksgiving baskets for the Salem Food Pantry in Salem, NJ and St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Wilmington, DE
Listed below are some of the charitable organizations and community partners we support:
Farmers of Salem is a regional insurance company offering products for individuals and businesses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.